Adoption Timeline

Here's a rough timeline for our adoption so far!

January 2012We start pursuing adoption and researching agencies

February 2012: We are introduced to Compassion for Congo and start pursuing adoption through them full force.  ( A little more about that here)

April 2012: Start Home Study paperwork.  Medical exams, fingerprinting, paperwork, interviews, etc.

June 18, 2012: Home Study APPROVAL for a male child age 0-2!

July 13, 2012: I600A application received by USCIS

****July 15,2012:  We find out I'm pregnant :)  SURPRISE!

August 27, 2012: Biometrics (More fingerprinting) completed for I600A!

August 27, 2012: I600A is APPROVED! (for male child age 0-2)

August 28, 2012: We inform Paul (Compassion for Congo) that we are ready for a child referral.

We are informed that there is only a 3 year old in the orphanage currently available for adoption. Paul is traveling to Congo for a few weeks and will try to find a little child for us while he's there.

We wait.

October 10, 2012:  We talk with Paul and find that no other children were brought into the orphanage.

We pray.

This 3 year old boy is heavy on our hearts and we decide we cannot overlook him.  We believe he is there waiting for us.

October 15, 2012: Receive our "REFERRAL" for Chrinovic Mukalay!!  **We are renaming him Tobias**

We start completing the remaining necessary documents for our Dossier.

October 22, 2012:  Submit information to have our Home Study updated for a child age 0-6

October 23, 2012: Amended home study is Approved
   **Amendment sent to USCIS to get I600A updated and is received quickly**

December 21, 2012: Dossier is submitted

January-March 2013: Pastor Didier takes a break, no progress for our adoption for a few months.

***March 23, 2013: Jackson Porter is born :)

April 2013: Work begins in Congo.  Getting Tobi's birth Certificate, other miscellaneous documents, etc.

May 7, 2013: Judgement issued!  We are Tobias's parents!!!

June 6, 2013: Learn that C4C has partnered with Love Beyond Borders.  We will no longer travel to Lubumbashi, but to Kinshasa where Tobias will be at their transition home.

June 15, 2013: Receive Tobi's translated birth certificate and judgement from French to English

June 26, 2013: I600 application is received by USCIS for approval

July 1, 2013: Interview for amended home study due to new baby in the home

July 12, 2013: I600 is APPROVED!!!  

July 16, 2013: New amended home study approved
   **Amendment sent to USCIS to get I600A updated again to show new family member

July 31, 2013: New documents required to take Tobias to Kinshasa to Love Beyond Border's Transition home.  We pay for the documents and wait for them to be obtained!

September 27, 2013: DGM in Congo suspends issuance of exit letters for adoptive children. Official statement here.

November 18, 2013: Embassy starts Tobi's investigation in Lubumbashi

December 2, 2013: Investigation is completed!!! (EXTREMELY fast) And Embassy interview is scheduled for January 22, 2014

December 11, 2013: Tobi flies to Kinshasa to being the passport application

January 3, 2014: Passport issued!

January 10, 2014: Rumors are going around in Kinshasa that DGM will issue exit letters in February.

January 22, 2014: Embassy Interview completed.  Need more information to verify income.

 February 28, 2014: Visa is ready to be picked up!  Tobi will travel back to Lubumbashi

March 4, 2014: Re-evaluate finances and confirm we are FULLY FUNDED for our adoption!!!!

March 18, 2014: Tobi's visa is in-hand!  Additional document was requested before releasing it in Feb.

First week of April 2014:  Adoptive parents reach out to Senators, congressman, and the press to bring attention to DGM's exit letter suspension.

May 28, 2014: 51 Italian children and 15 American children receive exit letters and are able to come home! 

June 11, 2014: Dept. of State holds conference call and informs us Congo will not issue anymore exit letters unless children are medically fragile or have grandfathered cases.  The remainder will be considered after they implement new laws - parents saw this as UNACCEPTABLE!

June 24-25: 60 families met with 99 Senators and Congressmen/women and/or their staff to advocate for our children.  I was one of 5 California moms who went.

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