Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's moving along...'s late.  I just finished putting together some more hair clips to sell this weekend in Ione (all proceeds go to the adoption fund of course ;)

I should be in bed, but I thought I'd jot down a few notes first.

So, as I said before, we have enough money for our Home Study!  In fact, it's almost DONE!!!  
Yup, all paperwork is finished and turned in, interviews are complete.  Now we are just completing the online adoption education.  

What we THOUGHT was our first big hurdle really wasn't much of a hurdle at all!  There was no sitting around, waiting for money to come in or anything like that!  I got the paperwork filled out, and within days, the money was provided in different ways.  HE is our Provider.  

Just wanted to share.  

Our next step will be to file the I600A form with Citizenship and Immigration.  That cute little form will cost us $890 to file!!!  
Do we have that?  No.  
Will we?  Yes. 
How?  No clue.  
But we will work our little booties off as much as we can and see how The Lord chooses to provide for this next step.

AND after this expensive form has been accepted and filed, (which takes about a month-ish), we will be matched with our little boy!!!!!!  
We are REALLY looking forward to that!
So pray for us.  
We'll see how He works.

ALSO, my husband was ordained on Sunday.  Wow, what a morning.  I was incredibly humbled and a little emotional witnessing that.  For any of you who may not know what that means, it means that our elders, with the assistance of some elders/pastors from other churches evaluated Chris on his spiritual walk, growth, calling, and doctrine.  Based on that, and his ministry here at our church for many years, our elder board ordained him to be fit for the ministry of the Gospel.  It was pretty special...but like he has already said..."nothing really has changed!"  haha

But it was so neat to see our church in such support of him and our family.  The Lord was glorified as His Word went forth in affirming what God has called Chris to do.  

We are humbled, thankful, and very excited for our family's future!

I never know who reads these things, but thanks to any of you who do :)  I hope you have been encouraged.

K, enough.  Time for bed :)


  1. I had no idea you had a blog too! So exciting! i will certainly be following

    1. yay! I was just reading some of yours this morning!

  2. Wow what an amazing couple of stories right before bed! Where are you adopting your little boy from?

    1. Thanks, Kandice! We are adopting from the Democratic Republic of Congo! You can find out more about how we came to that decision here:

  3. Angie, Could you email me privately at ? We are adoptive parents already, and considering adopting again. A friend gave us the compassion for congo website info, but I can't find anyone to contact directly in order to get more information! Could you PLEASE email me and share the contact information??

    Thank you SO much! And congratulations on beginning your adoption journey. It's an AMAZING thing. You can read about our story on my blog, if you want. :)

    1. Absolutely!!! I'd be glad to help! Not too much info on the site, as they're are such a small organization. I'll email you some info!


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