Tuesday, December 10, 2013

He's Flying!

So, it's about time I give an update on our adoption with Tobias.

I have been hesitant to post an update these past couple weeks, just because there's a lot to say, and still a lot of waiting.

In my last post about Tobi, I mentioned that Didier thought they might be able to find Tobi's birth mother.  The Embassy was beginning their investigation on November 18th, and would interview her if they could find her.  Investigations are estimated to last at LEAST 3-6 months.

Well, ours lasted all of about 2 WEEKS!

Praise The Lord!

We were completely surprised to get the e-mail from the Embassy!
Next step, getting Tobi's passport, then his Visa.

Tobias is currently living in Lubumbashi at the orphanage, however. 

So, he is moving to Kinshasa tomorrow in order to get his passport and visa.
Please pray for this move for him.  He's never been on a plane or probably even left the orphanage for long in the last year and a half.  

He's leaving what he knows as home and coming on a PLANE to a brand new world and brand new caregivers and friends.

He will be there until his visa process is completed, and unless something major happens with the exit letter situation, (that I wrote about in this post,) he will then return to the orphanage to wait for Congo to resume issuing the exit letters so the adopted children can come HOME!

My real prayer is that God will move in the country to allow the children to leave with their parents.  That way, he wouldn't have to move BACK to Lubumbashi before we come to get him.  

We know that might not happen, and trust in God's sovereignty regardless!  However, our hearts' desire is not only for him to be home, but for him to go through the least amount of emotional trauma as possible.  He's only four.  This is a whole lot for him to try and adjust to without completely understanding what's going on.

So, the completed investigation is a HUGE praise, and leads to many prayer requests!!!  I'll summarize it in simple terms.

  • Pray for Tobi's travel tomorrow, November 11. (they're 8 hours ahead of us)
  • Pray that he'll handle the adjustment well.
  • Pray that his passport will be issued in a timely manner without delays.
  • Pray that his Embassy interview on January 22 will be without hiccups!
  • Pray that his visa will be issued!
  • And most of all, pray that EXIT LETTERS WILL BE ISSUED and that we can go PICK HIM UP AND BRING HIM HOME!!!!!!
We would soooo love for this to happen in time for him to just wait for us in Kinshasa rather than traveling back to Lubumbashi.

**If this exit letter "ban" wasn't an issue, as soon as he receives a visa, we would be able to plan our travel.**

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