Tuesday, December 9, 2014

He's Still Not Home

Posts like these are hard for me to write.
I so badly want to share with you all that Tobias is on his way home...but that's just not the case.

That has made it really difficult for me to update on our adoption at all.

But here's where we stand.

You'll remember that I took a trip to Washington D.C. several months back to meet with our lawmakers and urge them to become involved in the efforts of bringing our children home from Congo. 

The trip was great, and we were successful - it didn't get our kids out right away, but we got MANY members of the Senate and House on our side..some of them passionately advocating for us after meeting families face to face and hearing of our situations.  My favorite video Both Ends Burning has made of the trip and some of the outcome can be viewed here

Well much has happened behind the scenes since our trip and more lines of communication have been opened between the Congolese government and ours.  However, the children are still not being issued exit letters.  

A delegation comprised of different members of the Department of State just came back from a trip to the DRC.  They met with different officials and offices and we are waiting to hear the outcome.  Their goal was to advocate for the exit letters for our waiting children so we are praying that it was effective.

We will hear more about their trip next week in a conference call.

As you may remember, Tobias got his U.S. Visa in March, but they are only good for 6 months so it expired this summer.  When exit letters start being issued, he'll need a valid Visa in order to enter the United States.  

So right now they are preparing Tobias and a few other little guys to take another trip to Kinshasa in order to get this accomplished.  

Here is where we have some very specific prayer requests.

They will be leaving the end of December. 

This is Tobi's second big trip, and I really hate the idea of him going through this and not knowing how much of it he understands. So we're praying that The Lord would grant peace to his little heart.

We are praying that the exit letters will be issued VERY soon for a few reasons.

  1. We would like Tobias to NOT have to return to the orphanage again.  If the suspension lifts relatively soon after his Visa is renewed, he can just wait for us there in Kinshasa.
  2. This new Visa is also only valid for 6 months.  If the suspension lasts longer than that, it will require him to return to the orphanage, then come BACK to Kinshasa yet again to renew a 3rd time.
  3. Our next baby is due the beginning of June.  We are pretty sure that I won't be traveling while pregnant, but Chris's trip will be very hard on the family if it happens close to the time that the baby is born...we're praying we have a few months with Tobi before the baby comes!
  4. We have all waited a LONG time.  Tobias has been our son for over 2 years now - we saw his precious face in October of 2012.  Never in a million years did we think he wouldn't be home by now, but The Lord knew and He has provided what's necessary to get through this!  I just don't want Tobi to have to wait any longer...it's getting harder and harder to hear the girls ask why he can't come home and have them tell me how sad they are that he's still not here.  We're all sad, and just want to hold him!
So we ask that you keep these things in prayer as you remember our little guy.  He's growing before our eyes in pictures and it's so bittersweet.  It's painful to see him change from afar, yet we're so thankful that he's a strong healthy young boy.  

I will be sure to update as SOON as we have anything else to share.  The support we've received from family and friends has been overwhelming the last couple years.  It will be such a joy to share welcome home pictures with y'all someday :)

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