Friday, April 25, 2014

Young Living 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse {Day 4}

Only 1 more day left!!!  This is day 4 of my 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse.

If you haven't, please catch up by reading about Day1, Day2, and Day3

Day 4 recap

  • 2oz Ningxia Red
  • Balance Complete Shake (This time I used mostly almond milk and maybe a couple oz of water...yum!)
  • Digest & Cleanse capsule
  • An extra 12oz of water
  • Not needed

  • Same as breakfast
  • Not needed!  Woohoo!
  • Same as breakfast (shake was with only ice water)
  •  Plain rice cake and homemade almond butter

How I felt today:
So my husband and I are still living on little sleep.  My daughter is having a very very hard time at night.  We just got a new prescription to try and help her sleep, so we're praying it works tonight!  I mention this because.....well, I typed "how I felt today" at the top, and last night had a lot to do with how I felt today!  (If you aren't familiar with our current situation with Noelle, you can read about her condition here).

I'm honestly really thankful that I happened to be starting my cleanse the week Noelle has had such a hard time sleeping.  

Ya see, I am a comfort eater.  When I'm stressed, upset, sad, happy, nervous or excited...I eat!

However, I'd say that the portions are larger and the food choices tend to be poorer if I'm eating in order to comfort myself.

This is teaching me that after such hard nights, I don't need to find that sigh of relief in a donut or a brownie.  I NEED to find it in my Comforter and Savior!

I've also found much comfort in the family that has shown such love to us in reaching out to help in every way possible...and today that meant that my sister in law came over and cleaned my kitchen!  Like DETAILED my kitchen!  It was a surprise that caught me off guard and made me cry.  We are very blessed.

Ok, now on to the cleanse stuff!
I experienced more grumbling in my stomach today and some excess gas (cannot believe I just typed that out on my blog) even though I took the Digest & Cleanse capsules. None of it was uncomfortable, so I'm not bothered. I just figure things are moving around and on their way out :)

I was able to go about my morning and afternoon without hunger or cravings between meals!  That was great!  So I skipped the afternoon snack today.

However, the hard part was dinner.

The fam went to Round Table.

Oh. My. Goodness, did I want some PEPPERONI PIZZA!!!  Or ANY pizza for that matter!

Oh, it was so hard.  I haven't craved that stuff at ALL, but when it was in front of me, it was so difficult not to indulge in!

I honestly considered just a bite...but I didn't take one ;)

We came home, got the kids in bed, and I had a rice cake with my almond butter and it hit the SPOT!  

Felt very satisfied after eating it.  

The pamphlet actually has other snack suggestions for day 4, and I'm not sure if all snacks are interchangeable during the 5 days or if the instructions are specific for each day.  However, I didn't care.  If I couldn't have pizza, I was gonna have a rice cake!

I felt much better after that and now I'm ready to relax a little bit with my husband and we'll mentally/spiritually prepare ourselves for another possible night of being awake with Noelle!

Feel free to pray for us!

Oh yea...and tomorrow night, we're going to my in-laws' for dinner....I always love my mother in law's food.  That'll be another hard one!

I'll let ya know how it goes! 

Read Day 5 here

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional.  I simply make decisions on how to care for and improve the health of myself and own family.  None of the statements on my blog have been evaluated by the FDA and any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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